Statutory Declaration Substitute Witness Giving Oral Evidence

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What is the position of using Statutory Declaration to substitute witness giving oral evidence in Court


What is a Statutory Declaration (SD)

什么是法定声明 (SD)

SD in Malaysia is governed under the Statutory Declaration Act 1960. The laws were enacted because it was necessary in many cases to require declarations in confirmation of written instruments or allegations, or proof of debts, or of the execution of deeds or for other purposes. Under this Act, a Sessions Court judge, magistrate, commissioner for oaths or notary public can receive in Malay or English the declaration of any person voluntarily making the same.


Nonetheless, for the document to come within the scope of the Act, the declaration has to be made in the prescribed form and must contain the words “I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.”[1]

尽管如此,对于在此法案范围中的文件,声明可以以规定的形式呈现且必须包含“I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true” 的词语。(意即我谨此郑重声明且我深信不疑(这)是真相)

The Purpose and Effect of a SD


The main purpose for a SD is to provide written proof to confirm something that either cannot be proven or involves too much work to actually prove. The principal feature of an SD is that such written statements are backed by penal sanctions[2].


Therefore, if a statement made as a merely ordinary statement subsequently turned out to be false, it would only amount to a misrepresentation that would constitute a breach of contract. On the other hand, if the statement is made by SD, then aside from amounting to a breach of contract, it would also constitute an offence for which the person could be prosecuted.


During Trial


With such significance being given to SD, how does it measure up to oral testimony in court? Can SD then be used as a substitution for witnesses giving oral evidence in court? How much weight will the court accord to a SD?


It is trite law that oral evidence must be direct[3]. As stated in Order 38 rule 1 Rules of Court 2012 as well, facts that are required to be proved in trial must be done so by the examination of witnesses in open Court. Even for documentary evidence, the maker of the document must be called as a witness to prove it before the document can be admissible[4]. The nature of a SD is clearly in direct contradiction with these fundamental principles, thus the courts practice a cautious, or even restrictive approach, in allowing the substitution of oral evidence with a SD, especially when the maker of the SD is not called as a witness.


What is the position of a SD of a witness that was not called?

一名没有被传召的证人的法定声明 (SD)的定位是什么?

The Courts would not allow an attempt to circumvent the general principles laid down in the Rules of Court or Evidence Act. Hence, a SD cannot therefore be used to bypass the requirement under Order 38 rule 1[5].


It is important to note that the admission of an SD as an exhibit in Court for the purpose of validity does not mean that its contents are also automatically admitted. If the contents of the SD are disputed and/or challenged, the maker must thus be called and to be cross-examined by the other party to determine its veracity[6]. Failing so is likely to result in the SD being an inadmissible piece of documentary evidence. This is because to admit such evidence would likely result in unfairness and prejudice to the other party. It is a well-established principle that the court may disregard evidence, which although technically admissible, has a prejudicial value that outweighed its probative value[7].

In the case of Itramas Technology Sdn Bhd v Infologic Pte Ltd[8], the Plaintiff relied on a SD, which contents are seriously contested by the Defendants. During the trial, the Defendants called a witness whom vehemently denied the contents of the SD while the maker of the SD was not nor was any explanation given for such absence. The judge held that the evidence of the Defendant’s witness was preferred over the contents of the SD.

Therefore, it can be submitted that a SD of a witness who is not called to give oral evidence during trial is unlikely to be admitted as evidence, especially if its contents are contested.


Itramas Technology Sdn Bhd v Infologic Pte Ltd[8]的判例中,原告的案情仰赖着法定声明,但被告却对内容提出争议。在审讯中,被告传召了一名证人,该证人强烈反对法定声明的内容,而声明人却没有出席或给予任何解释为何缺席。法官判断被告证人的供词比起法定声明更加可信。因此,在法定声明的声明人没有给出席审讯给图口供时,该声明很难被接纳成证据,尤其是当内容出现争议之时。

The weight of the SD, if admitted


An out of court statement that is admitted will not be tested in cross examination, and the Court will not have the opportunity to observe the demeanour of the person making the statement. It is therefore only natural that the court will give minimal weight to statements which are not tested in cross examination[9].


Situations where SD is admitted


That being said, there are instances where SD is admitted as evidence. In Hassnar v. Sulaiman Pong[10], the Defendant did not lead evidence to rebut the Plaintiff’s SD which he was trying to impugn. As such it was held by the Court of Appeal that in the absence of any challenge to the SD, the truth of its contents must be accepted.  

The Court of Appeal in Hafizah Hamzah v. Trans Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd[11] held that the proceedings do not involve a trial within the terms of Order 38 and it cannot be said that the SD was prepared in order to bypass the provisions of the Rules of Court. The garnishee was only adducing evidence in answer to the cause issued against her and the Court has to evaluate the contents of the SD against the affidavits filed by both parties.

即便如此,在某些情况下法定声明依然会被接纳成为证据。在Hassnar v. Sulaiman Pong的判例中,被告并没有驳斥他希望法院排除的原告的法定声明。因此,上诉庭认定在没有任何针对法定声明的挑战下,法院必须接受内容的准确性。

上诉庭在Hafizah Hamzah v. Trans Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd中认为该诉讼并没有涉及第38命令条款内的审讯,不能说SD是为了逃避法庭规则而准备的。第三方债务人只是为了回答针对他的诉讼理由进行举证,而法院必须根据双方所提交的宣誓书中评估法定声明的内容


In conclusion, a SD whose maker will not be call to testify during trial is unlikely to be admitted, nor can the SD be a substitution for witnesses giving oral evidence in court as it goes against the fundamental rule of evidence. In the unlikely event that the SD is ultimately admitted, the weight attached to it by the court is likely to be of minimal value.

It is undeniable that there have been situations where SD is admitted, however there are no statutory or judicial guidelines that states the conditions for doing so. As seen from case law, such situations include when the proceedings do not amount to trial or where other party does not challenge the content of the SD or does not provide evidence in doing so.

Although there is no express provision prohibiting the admission of SD of a witness who is not called, it can be said that there is great reluctance to do so. As such, it is the case that oral testimony is always the preferred evidence.





[1] Schedule of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960
[2] s.3 Statutory Declarations Act 1960
[3] S.60 Evidence Act 1950
[4] UEM Group Berhad v. Genisys Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd and 1 other [2010] 9 CLJ 785
[8] [2019] 1 LNS 1860
[9] NG CHOOI KOR v. ISYODA (M) SDN BHD [2010] 3 CLJ 162
[10] [2017] 1 LNS 1167
[11] [2019] 2 CLJ 759

Caroline Gan Yi Xin
University of London
Bar Professional Training Course
University of West England 


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