English Version 在这个月亮最圆、最亮的秋夜里,祝你中秋节快乐,幸福美满!这个节日已有三千多年的历史,庆祝的是丰收季节的结束和随之而来的丰盈。古时的农民在此时感谢月亮赐予他们的丰收,标志着从炎热的夏季向凉爽秋季的过渡。它让我们停下脚步,感恩这一年所收获的成果,无论是实际Read More…
We have some articles and posts in Chinese as follows.
我们有一些 中文 文章和帖子如下:
English Version 在这个月亮最圆、最亮的秋夜里,祝你中秋节快乐,幸福美满!这个节日已有三千多年的历史,庆祝的是丰收季节的结束和随之而来的丰盈。古时的农民在此时感谢月亮赐予他们的丰收,标志着从炎热的夏季向凉爽秋季的过渡。它让我们停下脚步,感恩这一年所收获的成果,无论是实际Read More…
English Version 端午节 端午节是中国的传统节日之一,也被称为龙舟节。它通常在农历五月初五这一天庆祝。这个节日有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化内涵,是中国文化的瑰宝之一。 端午节的起源可以追溯到两千多年前的中国古代。它是为了纪念屈原这位古代爱国诗人而设立的。屈原是战国时期楚国Read More…
在朱自清的《背影》中,有一句经典的名言:“有了父亲,便有了永远的力量。”这句话表达了父亲在我们生命中的重要性和无尽的力量,父爱是我们永远的支持和庇护。父亲用自己坚定的步伐引领着我们,他的背影承载着家庭的温暖和慈爱。 Scroll down for the English translation 莫言的《红高粱家族Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED 6 Things You Must Know in a Malaysian Court Summons 您已经被传讯,马来西亚法院传票6件您必知的事情 Writ of Summons (Writ Saman) And Other Procedures, Receiving One In this article we will discuss the fastest way to get a Judgment and then how can you recover your debts vide the execution of the Judgment. 传Read More…
English Version 一次见证执行扣押和出售令状的机会—Tan Jo Lynn Enforcement of Judgment Sum via Writ of Seizure & Sale (WSS) 依据扣押和出售令状执行的判决金额 Once judgment is obtained in your favour against the Judgment Debtor, the Judgment Debtor shall obey the terms of judgment and where debt and other costs are to be paid by the Judgment Debtor, tRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Judgment Debtor Summons 判决债务人传票 Introduction to Judgment Debtor Summons 判决债务人传票的引言 A judgment debtor summon is an enforcement procedure for the recovery or payment of money. 判决债务人传票是金额讨还或支付的执行程序。 For instance, if a defendant fails or refuses to pay a judgment sum worth Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Discount Annul Discharge Then Pay Later 折扣, 取消, 解除, 之后才偿还 I was one of the three guarantors. The creditor took action and I became a bankrupt. 我是三位担保人之一。债权人采取行动使我破产了。 Totally lost, Mr Chang helped me to obtain a discount of the settlement sum, got a further agreement with the lRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 租金回收 We offer the expertise found in the world’s premier management consulting organizations and balance it with exceptional personal service designed to resolve your business challenges in Modern Age. 我们提供世界顶级管理咨询机构的专业知识,并与旨在解决您在现代时代的业务挑战的卓越个人服务相平衡。 Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 辩论 VS 法庭陈词 What’s the difference? 这两者之间有什么差别? What is debate? 何谓辩论? [1] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, debate is “a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote.” A dRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 必须私人送达的法庭文件 1. Introduction: Personal Service 简介:私人送达服务 1.1 Required when it is specifically provided for by the Rules of Court 2012 or by an order of the court. 2012 年《法院规则》或法院特别命令规定时需要。 1.2 It is effected by leaving a copy of the document with the person to be seRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 行动管制令(MCO)3.0,适用贴士 A one-month extension is given until July 31, 2021 from June 30, 2021 for taxpayers carrying on business involving individuals, resident individuals (knowledge/expert workers), partnerships, associations etc 对于从事涉及个人、居家个人(知识、专业工作人), 合伙企业、协会等业务的纳Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa The Secrets About Debt Recovery & Collection In Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 马来西亚吉隆坡债务追收与收取的秘密 If you want to get your money back quick, read on. The first half is recovery against a Company and the other part is when your debtor is NOT a Company. 如果您想尽快追收款项,请继续阅Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa What is compulsory winding‑up insolvency liquidation 什么是强制性清盘、破产、清算 Compulsory winding-up insolvency liquidation in Malaysia is pursuant to section 218 of the Act. 强制性清盘 马来西亚强制性清盘、破产、清算由1965年《公司法》第218条规定。 It is a legal process by which the Official ReceivRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 马来西亚海外工作者的破产解除程序 If you have recently found out that you have been adjudged a bankrupt these are the facts you must be aware of: 如果您最近发现自己被判定破产,这些是您必须了解的事实: 1 You may have difficulties renewing your PASSPORT when it expires; 1 当您的护照到期时,您可Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 法定声明替代证人出庭作证 What is the position of using Statutory Declaration to substitute witness giving oral evidence in Court 以法定声明替代证人出庭作证的法律立场是什么? What is a Statutory Declaration (SD) 什么是法定声明 (SD) SD in Malaysia is governed under the Statutory Declaration Act 1960. The lawsRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 验证公司清盘请愿的宣誓书 The Petitioner must file an affidavit verifying all the facts in the petition, if the petitioner is a company by an officer of the company otherwise it should be affirmed/ signed by the petitioner himself, if it an individual. 请愿人必须提交一份宣誓书以核实请愿里的所有事实,前提是请愿Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 传闻证据在法庭的价值 What is Hearsay in Court? 在法庭了,什么是传闻证据 General Rule 通例 The cardinal rule in respect of oral evidence is that provided for in Section 60 Evidence Act 1950 (“EA 1950”). Under this section, oral evidence must be direct i.e. the testimony must be of the person who perceived the fact througRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Exempted Goods Taxable Services FAQ 销售及服务税法案 2018 免税商品的应税服务 常见问题 The Sales and Services Tax will take effect from September 1, 2018. The Royal Malaysian Customs published and uploaded some guidelines to their website, we present them below, some relevant ones, for your easy reference as Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 仲裁法庭中心的仲裁工作程序 Pre-Mediation: Fill in the consent form for mediation which can be found on the relevant court website. Then, email your request to mediate to the mediation center involved.The mediation center will contact the parties involved by email or phone.The parties must send the following information to the mediation center Read More…
English Version 清盘后将发生什么? Does the company cease operations immediately? 公司将立刻停止运作吗? [1] A company can enter into liquidation procedure in two manners, by voluntary liquidation andmembers’ voluntary winding up (Section 432(2)(a) of the Companies Act 2016);creditors’ voluntary winding up (Section 432(2)(b) of the Companies Act 20Read More…
关于东西马的时效法案的比较 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS TO RECOVER LAND AND RENT 对于回收土地和租金行动的限制 “Versi Bahasa Malaysia” With regards to the limitation of actions to recover rents, the timescale for all three jurisdictions is limited to six years. 关于追回租金的行动限制,在所有三个司法管辖区内的时间范围都限于6Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa 为什么律师不应该通过电话为您提供法律建议 WHY SOLICITORS DO NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE OVER THE PHONE?” 为什么律师不应该通过电话为您提供法律建议? First of all, the conversation below is to illustrate this whole article on the reasons why professional workers such as solicitors do not give legal advice over the pRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Malaysia You Can Issue a Demand but you must wait 6 months to sue 您可发出要求,但须等六个月才能起诉 Nuclear Bomb 核弹 1 During the Movement Control Order (MCO), on April 10, 2020, our Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, the Honourable Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi struck a nuclear bomb into the hearts of miRead More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Malaysia What happens after compulsory winding‑up? 强制清盘后会发生什么? Distribution of Assets 资产分配 From the assets of the wound up company (through a compulsory winding up) available to be distributed the unsecured creditors, the liquidator will: 清算人将从清盘公司资产(通过强制清盘)中Read More…
7件事需要知道调解过程 The Mediation Process in Malaysia 马来西亚的调解程序 A. What is Mediation? A. 什么是调解? Mediation is a voluntary, solution-oriented form of alternative dispute resolution. This is where the parties to a dispute agree to resort to mediation, they may seek the assistance of an independent and impartial third party, a Mediator, wRead More…
债权扣押程序 (第三债务人程序) English version Versi Bahasa What are Garnishee Proceedings? 1.什么是债权扣押程序 (第三债务人程序)? A garnishee proceeding is a form of judgment enforcement procedure used to pursue judgment debts, normally when a respondent fails to comply with a monetary judgment obtained by a claimant. 第三债务人程序Read More…
《 2016年新公司法》司法经理公司自愿重整安排债务追收 The New Companies Act 2016 2016年新公司法 How will the Judicial Manager and Corporate Voluntary Arrangement affectthe Recovery of your Million Dollars Debts as an Unsecured Creditors 司法经理和公司自愿重整安排将如何影响您身为无担保债权人的百万元债务Read More…
English Version Versi Bahasa Malaysia Bankruptcy Discharge of Full Settlement Creditor 债权人全额支付解除破产 If you wish to obtain a Discharge from Bankruptcy after Payment in Full to the Judgment Creditors. 如果您希望全额支付给判决债权人后解除破产 You need to 您需要 1 Obtain a letter of full and final settlement from the Judgment CreditoRead More…