The Companies Act 2016 Malaysia

The Companies Act 2016
The new Companies Act 2016 came into force on Jan 31, 2016 repealing the Companies Act 1965. It incorporated the new subdivision 1, the provisions for the Corporate Voluntary Arrangement and subdivision 2, the provisions for the Judicial Management under Division 8. It is an Act to provide for the registration, administration and dissolution of companies and corporatiRead More…

The Companies Bill 2015 Malaysia

The Companies Bill 2015 of Malaysia This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed by the Minister by notification in the Gazette and the Minister may appoint different dates for the coming into operation of different provisions of this Act… When this Act comes into force as the Companies Act 2016, it will change the landscape of the companies laws in Malaysia.     Read More…

Sabah Limitation Ordinance 1952 Malaysia

Sabah Limitation Ordinance 1952 Malaysia In Sabah there exist a special ordinance governing the limitation period of various actions, the time limit is very different from the provisions in West Malaysia.  One of the significant difference is that to take legal action to recover a debt in Sabah, the limitation is 3 years. For a copy of the Sabah Limitation Ordinance 1952.Read More…

Societies Act 1966 Malaysia

This Act may be cited as the Societies Act 1966, and shall, subject to subsection (2) of this section, come into force on such date as the Minister may by notification in the Gazette appoint, such date not being earlier than that on which the notification is published.   The Societies Act 1966 updated to the year 2006.  Read More…