bankruptcy discharge free debt


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根据新的“破产法”, 社会担保人不再能够成为破产人

Social Guarantor can  no longer be made a bankrupt under the new Bankruptcy (now Insolvency) Act. The bill was passed in Parliament but the implementation date  of the Act has not been fixed.

“社会担保人” 是指 不是 为了赚取利润而提供以下担保:



“social guarantor” means a person who provides, not for the purpose of making profit, thefollowing guarantees: (a) a guarantee for a loan, scholarship or grant for educational or research purposes; (b) a guarantee for a hire-purchase transaction of a vehicle for personal or non-business use; and (c) a guarantee for a housing loan transaction solely for personal dwelling;

Automatic Discharge In the New Insolvency Act 2016

“Insolvency Act”是 1967年“Bankruptcy Act” 的新名称,
介绍了一个新的条款,破产人在提交其陈述书之日起三年后,将被自动解除破产; 但破产人必须 已达成破产总监确定的目标缴款,债权人的反对和破产人遵守财产和财产账目的规定。
The Insolvency Act which is the new name of the Bankruptcy Act 1967, introduced a new section, where a bankrupt shall be discharged from bankruptcy after three years from the date of the submission of his statement of affairs;
subject to the condition that the bankrupt has achieved the target contribution determined by the Director General of Insolvency, objection by creditors and the bankrupt’s compliance with the requirement to render an account of moneys and property.

3 main ways bankruptcy is terminated:

(a) Making an application in court at any time for the bankruptcy order to be annulled on grounds
i.e. debt has been paid in full or that he ought not to be made a bankrupt on some technical

(b) Making an application in court at any time for a court discharge.

(c) A discharge at the discretion of the Director General of Insolvency.




  ( c )  向 Director General of Insolvency 提出申请,要求破产令被解除。



Documents Required for Discharge of Bankruptcy:

  1. Statement of Claim, Judgment; These documents are required to find out who has made the debtor a bankrupt and under what circumstances;
  2. Bankruptcy Orders: Receiving Order and Adjudicating Order (Perintah Penerimaan dan Perintah Penghukuman), this is the “Bankruptcy Order”;
  3. List of creditors, if any, this list will determine how many creditors are there to be paid;
  4. Age; health condition (medical report if you have any);
  5. History of payment(s) to Official Assignee (Pegawai Pemegang Harta);



申索陈述书,判决书; 这些文件是要查明谁是使你破产的债务人,在何种情况下;

破产令:受理令和判决令(Perintah Penerimaan dan Perintah Penghukuman),这是“破产令”;


年龄; 健康状况(医疗报告如果有);

付款给破产管理主任(Pegawai Pemegang Harta)的历史;

Costs for Discharge of Bankruptcy

A bankrupt may apply for the order made against him be discharged or annulled.

Whether it is discharged or annulled will depend on the circumstances. In most case you need to find out who are the creditors who have filed the proof of debts against the Bankrupt. A negotiation with the Creditors may be necessary.



是否解除或废止将取决于具体情况。 在大多数情况下,您需要了解哪些债权人已向破产人提交债务证明。 可能需要与债权人进行谈判。

Approximate Fees

Costs for the settlement with the creditors will depend on the number of creditors and amount involved.

Getting a discharge will be dependent on how much work is needed to be done.

From March 1, 2021, we will revise the fee for the first hour oral consultation from RM1,550 to RM1,750.00 (including 6% it will be RM1,855.00)




From March 1, 2021, we will revise the fees for the first hour oral consultation from RM1,550 to RM1,750.00 (including 6% it will be RM1,855.00)


Provide Us More Information

If you would like to find out about getting a Discharge as a Bankrupt please fill up this form


如果您想了解如何将 解除庭令不再成为破产人,请填写此表格

Please let us have the details of your matter



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Alex Chang
Queen Mary College London LLB Hons advocate and solicitor