父亲节快乐 Happy Father’s Day 2023

在朱自清的《背影》中,有一句经典的名言:“有了父亲,便有了永远的力量。”这句话表达了父亲在我们生命中的重要性和无尽的力量,父爱是我们永远的支持和庇护。父亲用自己坚定的步伐引领着我们,他的背影承载着家庭的温暖和慈爱。 Scroll down for the English translation 莫言的《红高粱家族Read More…

Kenny Lau Thai Yik

Kenny Lau Thai Yik Attachment Student

Joining Alex Chang & Co. has been another life lesson for me.
I can remember  many instances when  I was too eager to learn up new pratical knowledge about legal work when I was in the law school. It was during June 2013, a short but valuable experience working, or rather a learning experience, I would say, in this law firm. It’s not just about learning to do legal work, it’s also about obRead More…

Bankruptcy Discharge passport go anywhere anytime Full Settlement Creditor

Discount Annul Discharge then Pay Later

Versi Bahasa 中文版 I was one of the three directors in a company. What was a supposed happy and proud achievement and arrangement ultimately led me down the rabbit hole that is bankruptcy. I was made bankrupt in 2018 following a default in payments by the other directors who were managing the loan, a loan I was involuntarily made a guarantor of. Life as I knew it changed right beforeRead More…

Brief Answers to BIG Questions in Debt Recovery Malaysia

Brief Answers to the BIG Questions in Debt Recovery Malaysia
Does the Legal Process Start with a Letter of Demand
Yes. Usually.
Fundamental Question: if I sue someone will I be guaranteed a payment?
Before a credit  is extended, a creditor must conduct due diligence on their debtors and come to a conclusion whether, when push comes to shove (at the end of the day) can the debtors Read More…

Sales Services Tax Act 2018 Exempted Goods Taxable Services

中文版 Versi Bahasa
Sales and  Services Tax Act 2018
Exempted Goods Taxable Services FAQ
The Sales and Services Tax will take effect from September 1, 2018. The Royal Malaysian Customs published and uploaded  some guidelines to their website, we present them below, some relevant ones,  for your easy reference as at August 16, 2018. Please check with the Royal Malaysian CustomsRead More…

Bankruptcy and Your Existing Car Housing Loan

中文版 Very often we get this question:  I am a bankrupt and I am servicing an existing car/ housing loan, the bank did not repossess the car/ foreclose on the house,   shall I continue to service the car/ housing loan? If a person is made bankrupt in the year 2016 and the car/ housing loan has been running since 2015 for 5 years, the catch is that once you have finished servicing thRead More…

Discharge of Bankruptcy for Malaysian Working Overseas

Versi Bahasa 中文版 If you have recently found out that you have been adjudged a bankrupt these are the facts you must be aware of: 1  You may have difficulties renewing your PASSPORT when it expires; 2  You can instruct us to handle your discharge while you are overseas, if you wish to fully settle your debts (click here to find out more),  we can help you to preRead More…

3 Things Employers Must Know about Public Holidays In Malaysia

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN MALAYSIA Versi Bahasa Malaysia The government of Malaysia declared  September 4, 2017  a public holiday following Malaysia’s outstanding performance at the 29th SEA Games. The Prime Minister was teasing the crowd, saying it was not easy to declare a public holiday.  Many Malaysians Employers are surely wondering how the Government can declare a public holidRead More…

3 Reasons why you should NOT Extract Your Own Tooth

3 Reasons why you should NOT Extract Your Own Tooth If you are reading this article, you are probably thinking about extracting that tooth of yours ALL by yourself… CAST AWAY A quick search on the internet revealed a few tricks, one of them is to google these words “cast away tooth extraction” wherein you will find a short video featuring the academy award winner Tom Hanks fromRead More…

bankruptcy discharge free debt


English VersionVersi Bahasa Malaysia 根据新的“破产法”, 社会担保人不再能够成为破产人 Social Guarantor can  no longer be made a bankrupt under the new Bankruptcy (now Insolvency) Act. The bill was passed in Parliament but the implementation date  of the Act has not been fixed. “社会担保人” 是指 不是 为了赚取利润而提供以下担Read More…


Recovery Just Before Debtors go South

Versi Bahasa Malaysia
中文版 Many lawyers can recover a debt for you. But how many can recover very substantial sums from these two types of companies: 1  a wound up company and;2  a company that has already ceased operation, retrenched all their workers. Alex Chang & Co did these feats for us.
One of our customers, the Debtors owed us about RM2.2 million, our maRead More…

Write Off RM74 Million Court Awarded Damages Reduced to Nothing

Write Off and Save Our Clients  RM74 million of Damages Awarded By the Courts
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
LGB Engineering v Saiful Rais and Ors “Lawyers were notorious for finding cases in the most unlikely places, especially ones with huge potential damages awards.” ― Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care
74 Million Ringgit. That was the amount of damages for which we were ordered to pay to the plainRead More…

Foreign Suppliers’ Risks in Selling Goods on Credit to Malaysia 赊销货到马来西亚的风险

Foreigner Suppliers’ Risks in Selling Goods On Credit to Malaysia 赊销货到马来西亚的风险 As a foreign supplier do you know what is the type of company or business  you are dealing with when you supply to Malaysia, do you know the legal system?   TYPES OF COMPANIES AND BUSINESSES There is a difference a business, a private limited company, a public company and an off shorRead More…

Meticulous Work Spectacular Result

They are meticulous and their results are spectacular
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
Chinese Version
Lawyers there are many types. We need the type that finds us a solution to our problems, shows us light at the end of the tunnel, warns us that there is a looming danger of a  head on collision.  Alex Chang & Co is one them, they are meticulous and their results are spectacular.
In the years that we Read More…

Can the Police Help Evict Tenants Not Paying Rent?

YOU HAVE A NON PAYING OVERSTAYING TENANT… We as your lawyer have the expertise and the right solution for you to recover the rent and to evict him.   Versi Bahasa Malaysia 中文版 The  greatest fears of a landlord that his tenants are not paying him.   The second fear is that how can the landlord recover the rental in arrears and   evict such non payRead More…

Debtors not paying? or defaulting ? Give your debtors Jail time.

Put them behind bars.
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
“I have spent lots of money to obtain a judgment but I cannot get any recovery…”
How do you get “assurance” that when the court makes an order, you can get paid?
At times when the debtors do not comply with the court order what can you do?
To resolve problems like these,  the matter highlighted below, we have build in  a penal indorsement into  Read More…

The Companies Bill 2015 Malaysia

The Companies Bill 2015 of Malaysia This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed by the Minister by notification in the Gazette and the Minister may appoint different dates for the coming into operation of different provisions of this Act… When this Act comes into force as the Companies Act 2016, it will change the landscape of the companies laws in Malaysia.     Read More…

7 steps in Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia

Versi Bahasa Malaysia中文版
1 In Malaysia, divorce of non-Muslim is governed by the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA 1976). LRA 1976 states that a Malaysian High Court can only grant a decree nisi or decree of judicial separation if the marriage is registered or deemed to be registered under the LRA 1976, or the marriage is contracted under a law that the marriage is monogamous. Read More…

Child Custody

Understanding Child Custody in Malaysia

Understanding Child Custody & Guardianship of Infants in Malaysia
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
1 The meaning of child custody is silent. Both in the Guardianship of Infant Act 1961 (GIA) and the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA). There are three types of custody which includes legal custody, physical custody and access or visitation rights. Original custody of the child
2 In Malaysia,Read More…