Kenny Lau Thai Yik

Kenny Lau Thai Yik Attachment Student

Kenny Lau Thai Yik
Kenny Lau Thai Yik

Joining Alex Chang & Co. has been another life lesson for me.

I can remember  many instances when  I was too eager to learn up new pratical knowledge about legal work when I was in the law school. It was during June 2013, a short but valuable experience working, or rather a learning experience, I would say, in this law firm.

It’s not just about learning to do legal work, it’s also about observing day-to-day running of a legal business.

Attending Court

It’s fun and thrilling to have worked with a great corporate lawyer and having been able to observe real trials in court.  A lot of law students fascinate to join big law firms for the sake of the feeling of approval, or admiration.  But too often, as I heard and saw from the experience of my peers, they’re tied with office work, and often deprived of their much needed real-life experience in observing court trial, or their communication with their bosses are too often impersonal, which deprived them of the opportunity to clear some doubts about the mystified working of law firms.

I have learnt about preparing court documents, filing court documents and some basic legal work such as researching and inevitable paper work. It’s a privilege to meet and to have worked with Mr Alex Chang, he’s busily engaged yet approachable, an expert of his own field yet he’s humble and friendly.

Family Atmosphere

There is a family atmosphere in the office working with Mr Alex Chang  and his staff.  Much thanks to Miss Lim Soo Zee, Mr Chang’s pupil turned legal assistant;  Ms Janice and Ms Chow (Mr Chang’s assistants for 16 years as at 2015); and the then Pupil in Chambers HRH Raja Madihah for their help and patience in guiding me during that one-month period.  I would have completed my 3-month attachment with Mr Alex Chang if not for the sudden participation in a moot competition. Even  after leaving the firm, I have always received texts from Mr Alex Chang inviting me over for dinners (as my family is far away), which is so kind of him to do so.

Mr Alex Chang gave unyielding support to me for me to prepare for the moot competition. After I left the firm the following month, he still cares about my study, my results and competition.  It is a great feeling that there’s this one great mentor who cares about his ex-attachment students.


Wonderful thanks to Mr Alex Chang and all the staff. They have been excellent friends, teachers, mentors and a great inspiration for me.

I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned here.  It will remain a major contribution behind my path to becoming a lawyer. I really look forward to the day when I can do the same great work for others.

Kenny Lau Thai Yik

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Alex Chang
Queen Mary College London LLB Hons advocate and solicitor