Pudu Rotary World Understanding Romania & Polish Night on February 27, 2016
February is designated as the “Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month”, at the the Rotary Club of Pudu we planned a project to coincide with the theme of the month by organizing a World Understanding Night (hereinafter “WUN”) in partnership with the Embassies of Romania and Poland in Malaysia.
It is our sincere hope that by promoting better understanding between the people of different ethic cultural and language background we can promote Peace and Prevent Conflict.
The benefits of the WUN is as set out above and allows an opportunity for the members of the the Rotary Club of Pudu to mingle and get to know the Romanian and Polish community better. The night was attended the deputy head of mission of the Polish Embassy, Ms Monika Krzewicka, His Excellency NISTOR the Ambassador of the Romanian Embassy to Malaysia, and his deputy head of mission Ms TUDOSE.
Both Embassies gave a talk about their respective country showcase their food and drinks. Most important of all, a rare opportunity was provided for the members to understand the lives and cultures of the people not only from the two countries but also French, people from the Middle East, Hong Kong and Taiwan
The evening took off smoothly about 65 members of the Rotary Club of Pudu together with their guests and about 40 guests from both Embassies as aforesaid.
DG SITI Subaidah, our Honorary Member HE NISTOR, 20 members from our club, led by our President Muslim, VP Jeffrey Yap and International Service Director PP Alex Chang, incoming International Service Director Rtn Sannice, OC of the event Rtn Lawrence KWAN, 7 Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Pudu, three former Interactors (all graduated from Form 5 in 2015) together with our guests made up the 65 strong from Pudu
Rotarians and Rotaractors
Rotary Friends
Guests of the Rotary World Understanding Night
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