Brief Answers to BIG Questions in Debt Recovery Malaysia

Brief Answers to the BIG Questions in Debt Recovery Malaysia
Does the Legal Process Start with a Letter of Demand
Yes. Usually.
Fundamental Question: if I sue someone will I be guaranteed a payment?
Before a credit  is extended, a creditor must conduct due diligence on their debtors and come to a conclusion whether, when push comes to shove (at the end of the day) can the debtors Read More…

Alex Chang Companies Widing Up Handbook

What is compulsory winding-up insolvency liquidation?

Compulsory Winding-up
“Versi Bahasa Malaysia”
中文版 Compulsory winding-up insolvency liquidation in Malaysia is pursuant to section 218 of the  Act. It is a legal process by which the Official Receiver, now known as the Director General of Insolvency or a liquidator is appointed by an order of the court to ‘wind up’ the affairs of a limited company, Sdn Bhd or a Berhad. At the end of Read More…

Alex Chang Companies Winding-Up Handbook

How do I wind up a company?

How do I wind up a company?
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
Chinese Version
If a company owes you money and has failed, refused (do not want to) or neglected (forgot) to pay the debt, you may apply to wind it up by presenting a petition to court pursuant to section 218(1)(e) of the Act. Related article “How to Get Paid By Winding Up Your Debtors!” A winding-up petition of this type is usually presented byRead More…

Effective and Efficient Debt Collection The Law Practice and Procedure

Event Details Outline What Gives Rise to Contractual Disputes? How to Avoid Contractual Disputes? The Role of Credit Evaluation and Concise Contracts Terms The Legal Process: Letters of Demand, Statutory Notices, Courts, Courts’ Timetable and Schedule Bankruptcy Laws and Voidable Transactions Rules and Procedures Governing Bankruptcy Section 218 and Winding-Up of CompanRead More…