Documents Required for Discharge of Bankruptcy:
- Statement of Claim, Judgment,
1. 索赔书,判决,
2. Bankruptcy Orders: Receiving Order and Adjudicating Order (Perintah Penerimaan dan Perintah Penghukuman);
2. 破产令:财产接管令及审裁管令
3. List of creditors, if any
3. 债权人名单(如有)
4. Age; health condition (medical report)
4. 年龄; 健康状况(医疗报告)
5. History of payment(s) to Official Assignee (Pegawai Pemegang Harta)
5. 支付予法定受托人的付款记录
To find out why you need these documents, costs of making an application for discharge click here.